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Do you know what makes Austria this excellence?

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The guests from the Middle East say they are friendly and the hospitality of the
Austrians, and this is true because we simply love having guests around us and this is part of our nature and Tqaladna.ikdr visitors to Austria that our cities safe and our nature is distorted and there is much to see and do within such a small space. Of curfew in the city centers of archaeological concerts to Mozart followed by savoring a piece of cake replete with a traditional or a walk in the Alps to enjoy the picturesque scenery and swimming in one of the lakes in Austria which number 9000 Lake. For me the best in Austria is the possibility of the experience a little of everything at the same time and all that, less than six hours from the major airports in the Middle East. So please visit us in Austria ..... wish you a pleasant holiday greetings with Petra Stolba President of the Austrian National Tourist Board


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